Regular readers will know that one of our favourite investment managers, Tatton Investment Management, publish regular video updates to help investors keep abreast of developments in markets.
We find that Tatton's pragmatic approach and deep research allows them to cut through the noise of the mainstream media. In these videos, Chief Investment Officer, Lothar, explains in an accessible way what's going on, and helps to put things into perspective. We think these videos are well worth a watch.
It's worth remembering though that whilst it can be interesting to understand what is happening in investment markets in the short-term, this is irrelevant to our longer term planning work. As ever, the focus should always be primarily on:
Your goals,
Our long term Plan for the achievement of those goals, and
Ensuring there is a coherent portfolio in place as the long-term funding vehicle for that Plan.
The latest video is now available at the link below.
In addition, Tatton publish an excellent weekly newsletter. If you'd like to receive this in future, please contact us.
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